Yamasaki Events in July and August, 1997

All Bach Concert


After a long while, Toru and Junko enjoyed a concert of all Bach program at the hall of Tokyo international Forum on July 4. Performer was famous Gevanthaus Bach Orchestra of Germany. Their sound was fleshy and had strictness also, which was general in East Germany oriented orchestra.


Tanabata1 Tanabata2

There are many festivals in July and August in Japan. First one is Tanabata-Festival. "Tanabata" means "The evening of July 7", the day a male star named "Kengyu" and a female star named "Orihime", who lives each side of the Milky Way, can meet only once a year. A Chinese old tradition saids that "Kengyu" and "Orihime" couldn't meet in this world, so that after they died God saved them to become stars and to meet once a year. The family enjoyed a Tanabata-Festival in Hiratsuka City on July 5. Hiratsuka City's Tanabata-Festival(In Japanese) is one of the 3 big Tanabata-Festival in Japan and open in 1 week. Many hand-made decorations were hung over main roads and many temporary stores were open beside the roads.


Hamaorisai1 Photo2

The family went to the Chigasaki Nishihama Seacoast to see "Hamaori-sai" at the early morning on July 21. "Hama" means seacoast, "ori" means to go down (to the seacoast) and "sai" means festival. About 30 "Mikoshi"(Vehicle of God carried by several peoples) started each home-shrine at the midnight and meet together at the early morning. They entered the sea one by one to clean up themselves. After that a ceremony to receive honors was held and they went back to their home-shrine in the day.


Mikoshi1 Mikoshi2

Takeshi visited Hadano City(In Japanese) on the day of Hamaori-sai with his mother and younger brother, where his mother's parents live. He attended in the "Natsu-Matsuri"(Summer-Festival."Matsuri" is same as "sai") of Soya-shrine in which common people can carry a "Mikoshi". He put on special wearing and carried the "Mikoshi". His father thought he was the youngest man in the carriers.

A trip to Matsue City

Matsue Castle1 Matsue Castle2

The family made a trip to Matsue City where Toru's parents live from August 8 through 14. Matsue City has many cultural legacies. One of them is Matsue Castle which reserves original wooden-made style in Edo era(=Shogun's era).

Tateanashiki House

Matsue City has older one named "Fudoki-no-Oka" where tombs and houses of about 2000 years ago are displayed. This photo shows a representation of "Tateanashiki" house which is based on a hole in the ground.

A trip to Hagi City(Toru & Junko)

Hagi Castle Namako Wall

Toru and Junko made a short extention trip to Hagi City(In Japanese), where 4 hours by train from Matsue City, on August 9 and 10. Hagi City has also many cultural legacies and one of them is Hagi Castle, where only stoned wall remains(Imagine the castle like Matsue castle in the photo!). In the city, an original house of big marchant, who was formerly a Samurai of high class, is open. The wall of the house has a special pattern called "Namako Wall" like this photo.

Events in 1997

What's New! Toru Junko Takeshi Haruka
