Yamasaki What's New in July and August, 1998

Relocation from Japan to California


At the end of June, Toru went back to Japan after setting new beds in his new house of California. From that time to July 22, his formal transfer date to USA, the family spent a busy time preparing for the relocation. This photo shows that Toru was reading the bank related documents after all the furnitures are brought out and the house became hollow. The family spent the last night of Japan at a hotel in Yokohama City and left Japan next day.

New life in California

Stanford Univ.2 Stsnford Univ.1

For a while after starting the life in California, their area to go around was limited because of jet-lug and tiredness caused by the relocation. These photos shows that they walked around Stanford University after they recovered. The left photo was taken at the hilltop of Stanford University Academic Reserve, the good place for walking. They could see the whole scenary of San Fransisco Bay and beautiful mountains over the bay. The right photo shows the University Avenue which starts from the Oval of the university and palm trees are set on the both side of the road. Here, the traffic circumstances of this area is described. At the first, it is easy to return to the former way by U-turn when cars go into the wrong way, because the width of the road is wide. Second, as you can see in the photo, there are trees planted both sides of te road (ocasionally on the central separation belt of the road also), which seems to make drivers feel easy. Third, in case that there is an oncoming car line, there often is a lane to which the car of both line can enter and stop to turn left. This makes the road safe and un-crowded. Forth, it is very rational, if drivers think it is safe, cars can turn right eventhough the signal is red. Fifth, at the cross point where the white square is written on the road just before the stop-line, the time interval of the signal is controlled by the sensor buried under the square. (It means that the signal turns to green rapidly, if cars are waiting at the stop-line.) And, this is for the safety of children, cars of both line must stop when the school bus stop and the signal of the bus shows that children are getting on and off. The above-mentioned is thought as good points, there are two matters to be anxious about. One is related to the bike road. Though a motorcycle is a sort of "fashion" in this area, the bike road is distinguished from car road with a line only. It is on the same plane. The driver seems to feel stress when he runs with 100 km/h just beside the bike running. The another is pedestrians' crossing walk. It is presented by two lines only. Japanese cross walk painted like a ladder, it seems to be stand-out and safer.

Yosemite National Park

Bridal Weil Fall Yosemite Fall

Middle of August, the family visited Yosemite National Park. Left photo shows Bridalweil Fall and right photo shows Yosemite Fall. Comparing right photo with the photo of Yosemite Fall on the page of May and June, it is easilly found that the quantity of the falling water has decreased. As rain was unusually much this year, this quatity is larger than that of common years. Normaly, the waterfall probably withers in summer. The road in the park is series of a curve and inclines considering centrifugal force. It may be good for the cars driving fast, but Toru felt uneasy because his body tilts left and right according to the curve.

Glacier Point1Glacier Point2Glacier Point3

This is a splendid view from Glacier Point, one and half hour driving from Yosemite valley and locates just on the cliff looking down Curry Village. Toru felt weak at the knees when he looked below. Looking well-known Half Dome on the right hand, Toru was impressed by the power of glacier which shaved the half of the big rock in long and long years.

Mariposa Grove Olmsted Point

In Yosemite, not only rocks and waterfalls but trees are big also. Left photo was taken at the front of big sequoia tree in Mariposa Grove. Toru really felt the Human is little creature. Right photo was taken at Olmstead on the Tioga Road, where such strange scenary can be seen. In driving Tioga Road, we can see beautiful lakes, plateaus and meadows. Especially the view of Mono Lake, which can be seen after passing the Tioga Pass and going down, is thought as not the scenary of the earth.


Picnic1 Picnic2

Toru's company held a picnic at the sports club where several researchers are registered as the member. Toru attended with his family. Left photo shows Haruka in swimming pool and right photo was taken at the BBQ lunch time. They enjoyed flisbie, soccer, cricket etc. Toru played cricket twice and wan both.

Events in 1998

What's New! Toru Junko Takeshi Haruka
