Toru Classic Music

In Toru's age of elementary school, his father bought a small stereo set with several records of Beethoven's symphonies, No.4, No.5 and No.8. It was the first time he tasted a joy of classic music. He particularly liked to hear No.5.

In his junior high and high schools' period, he enjoyed not classic musics but rock'n roll musics. His favorites were, Ventures, Rolling Stones, Bee Gees and Monkees in Junior high scool, Jefferson Airplane, Led Zeppelin, Cream, Santana and Ten Years After in high school.

He re-started hearing classic music in his university period from a following chance. Someday, his friend in Kyoto took him to a live concert of Beethoven's No.9 symphony held in Osaka, near Kyoto. Between the 1st movement to 3rd movement, he slept deeply(!). But in the 4th mvement, at the biginning of a chorus, he woke up and was overcomed. After that experience, he bought the LP which included No.9 and dear No.5 conducted by Furtwangler.

Just before he graduated from Kyoto University, he made a one-month-trip to the western Europe, whose main theme was classic musics and paintings, particularly Beethoven's and Goch's. Especially, 1 week in Vienna made him love classic musics finally. He enjoyed operas in Staats Oper, symphonies in Musikvereign Saal and religious chorus in Vervedere Palace.

Following pages describes his favorite classic musics...

Symphonies As described above, he loves Beethoven's and succeeding Brahms's. But other favorite symphonies are also included in this page.
Orchestral musics Baroque music is healing music and he loves it very much. Bach's suites are famous but other attractive orchestral musics are also described.
Concertos (Under Construction) Particularly, Handel's and Bach's concertos are his loves. But there are many charming concertos, Mozart's, Beethoven's ....many.
Chamber musics (Under Construction) According to the age, he becomes to like smaller member's music. Haydn's and Mozart's are beautiful. Bach's, Beethoven's and Bartok's are deep.
Instrumental musics (Under Construction) He likes violin, cero, piano and flute. Especially, he loves piano musics, Bach's, Mozart's, Beethoven's Chopin's and Debussy's.
Vocal musics (Under Construction) Handel, Bach, Haydn and Mozart composed religion based vocal music. He experienced and impressed by such a religious vocal musics.
Operas (Under Construction) He didn't have many experiences to enjoy operas. But Mozart's opera is his special with his memory of Vienna.

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