Toru Classic Music - Concertos -

Toru loves Concertos because he can enjoy both solo instrumental music and orchetral music at same time. The dialogue of solo instrument and orchetra is enjoyable too. From such view point, piano as the instrument not included in orchetra is good for the solo instrument. But violin is good also... No no, every instrument can be the solo instrument, if the music itself is good. So, many musics have been introduced in this page......

At first, baroque musics are cheeful. Toru doesn't know how many baroque concertos exist. But, for example, there is a CD named "Concerti per Oboe" performed by Holligar and I Musici and all the music recorded in this CD are good. In other baroque Oboe concertos, the one composed by C.P.E. Bach is good too, which is performance of Kiss and Ferenc Erkel Chamber Orchestra. Also, "Concertos for recorder composed by Teleman and Heberle" performed by Petri and Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra conducted by Zukerman remind us that recorder is a wonderful instrument. Toru learned to play recorder at elementary school, but he couldn't understand it. "Concerto Grossi Op.6 (1-12)" composed by Corelli is also joyful, in which the No.6/G minor is called as "Christmas Concerto", and there is a CD named as "Chrismas Concertos" that includes not only Corelli's but also other cheeful "Cristmas Concertos" like Torelli's. Both CDs records te performance of I Musici.

Vivaldi is famous as the composer of concertos, but Toru seldom listens his musics. He has the CD's of "Four Seasons" and "L'Estro Armonico Op.3" in 2 types of performance, one is played by modern instruments(I Musici) the other is played by ancient instruments(Academy of Ancient Music directed by Hogwood), but both CDs are on the CD player only when visitors would like to listen as a BGM. Same things can be said for "Flute Concertos". Toru like rather the CD which includes concerto "L'Amoroso" and "Madrigalesco" performed by Berliner Philharmoniker conducted by Karajan.

In Bach's concerto, the first is "Brandenburg Concertos" from which Toru can get energy. The best performance is the one of English Chamber Orchestra conducted by Britten which Toru heard many times. The performance of Munchener Bach-Orchester directed by Richter is good but hard little bit. The second is "Violin Concertos" and "Concerto for Two Violins". Toru heard those concertos by the performance of Oistrakh (father and son) in LP era and by Szeryng and ASMF directed by Marriner in CD era. The third is "Piano Concertos". Toru's favorit is No.5 but all piano concertos are good. Also "Concertos for two/four pianos" are good. The CD is interesting because it includes the original music of Boach's concerto for four pianos composed by Vivaldi to provide a opportunity to compare the two.

Toru loves Handel's "Concerti Grossi Op.6" rather than Bach's "Brandenburg Concertos", because they give not only energy but also make him feel refreshed. No.5 and No.6 are famous , but Toru loves all. Toru has 2CDs perfomed by Munhener Bach-Orchester directed by Richter and The English Consert directed by Pinnock. The former is little bit hard and the latter is too elegant. Toru loves the performance of Collegium Auleum which he heard frequently in LP era. Anyway, Toru expanded his exploring to other concertos composed by Handel and found that "Harp Concerto" performed by Roblies and ASMF conducted by Brown and "Trumpet Concerto No.10" performed by Andre and Munhener Bach-Orchester directed by Richter are wonderful. "Organ Concertos" are good, especially Op.7/No.5, but Toru listen not so often. The performance is done by Richter and his chamber orchestra.

There is a CD named "Haydn in Vienna" which includes "Concerto for Trumpet", "Concerto for Cello No.2" and "Concerto for Piano No.11". It is a good name and good selection, Toru loves the CD. But, regarding "Concerto for Piano No.11", the performance of Argerich with London Sinfonietta is the best. "Concerto for Cello No.1" and "Flute Concerto" are good music also. "Concerto for Cello No.1" is performed by Du Pre with the English Chamber Orchetra conducted by Barenboim and "Flute Concerto" is performed by Kuijken with Tafelmusik. Anyway, "Flute Concerto"s composed by Stamitz and Richter included in the CD also wonderful.

There are many famous concertos composed by Mozart, but most of all the concertos give the similar feeling to listeners, so that Toru doesn't listen so many. First, "Piano Concertos No.20 and No.24" both minor musics performed by Haskil and Orchestra des Concerts Lamoureux directed by Markevitch. In major musics, "Piano Concertos No.23 and No.27" are favorites, former is perfomed by Perahia and English Chamber Orchestra and latter by Backhaus and Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Bohm. The 2nd movement of "Piano Concertos No.21" performed by Casadesus and Cleveland Orchestra conducted by Szell is also good. Adding to that, "Concerto for Two Pianos" is good. The performer is Gold & Fizdale and New York Philharmonic conducted by Bernstein, but Toru remembers that the performance of Chick Corea was so joyful peformance in LP era. In concertos for other instrument, Toru likes two "Flute Concertos" and "Concerto for Flute and Harp" performed by Munchener Bach-Orchester conducted by Richter. When Toru knew Richter only as the performer of Bach's musics, Toru was so impressed by this wonderful performance and recognized him as the wide-minded performer. "Clarinet Concerto" by Prinz and Vienna Philharmoniker coducted by Munchinger, "Violin Concertos No.3 and No.5" by the performance of Grumiaux and London Symphony Philharmonic conducted by Davis, "Horn Concerto(4)" by Brain with The Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Karajan and "Symphonie Concertante K.297B and K.364" by ASMF conducted by Marriner and Cleveland Orchestra conducted by Szell. By the way, Toru found that he listens to Mozart's much.....

There was a violinist in the time Mozart lived and he wrote "Violin Concertos". They are not famous but joyful as same as Mozart's. Toru has a CD which records No.22 and No.23 performed by Bobesco and Staatliche Philharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz conducted by Redel.

Toru listened Beethoven's "Piano Concertos" rather than Mozart's. Beethoven's No.1 and No.2 have much taste of Mozart and it may be better to listen Mozart's. But No.3, No.4 and No.5 are really the musics of Beethoven. Especially, No.5 is very well composed, magnificient and grand 1st movement, fine 2nd movement and lively 3rd movement. Furthermore it gives the vitality to us. Toru has 6 CDs for this tune, for example Backhaus with Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Isserstedt and Fischer with Philharmonia orchestra conducted by Furtwengler, the best CD is the one performed by Serkin and New York Philharmonic conducted by Bernstein which Toru listened many times from the LP era. "Violin Cncerto" is also Toru's favorite. He listens the performance of Szeryng and London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Isserstedt generally. But, when he listens Chung's violin with the performance of royal concertgebouw Orchestra he is struck out her well sharpened and clearly executed play. (In Bruch's "violin concerto" recorded in the same CD, her unbelievable performance can be heard.)それから最近クレーメル・アーノンクール指揮ヨーロッパ室内管の演奏を聞いたが、ベートーベンの曲に期待する力強さがえられなかった。さて、ベートーベンには2曲の「ロマンス」というバイオリンの小曲があるが、特に第2番は名前のとおり大変ロマンティックな曲である。でも第1番も素敵な曲である。両方ともクレーメル・アーノンクール指揮ヨーロッパ室内管の演奏で持っているがややテンポが遅い。第2番に関しては、シェリング・イッセルシュテット指揮ロンドン響と前橋汀子・小泉指揮東京都響の演奏もあって、後者の演奏はそれこそロマンティックのきわみで好きである。

Weber composed two small concertos "Konzertstuck for Piano and Orchestra" and "Concertino for Horn and Orchestra" which have cheerful melodies and Toru like them. "Konzertstuck for Piano and Orchestra" is played by Brendel and London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Abbado, and "Concertino for Horn and Orchestra" is played by Bauman and Gewandhausorchestra Leipzig conducted by Masur.

Although Toru became not to listen the famous "Violin Concerto" composed by Mendelssohn frequently, he likes the performance of Chung and Montreal Symphony Orchestra conducted by Dutoit.

Toru has not liked Schumann's "Piano Concerto" , even if it is said as one of the great piano concerto. After hearing several CDs, he recognized that it is a good music by the performance of Lipatti and Phillharmonia Orchestra conducted by Karajan. But still he doesn't listen to it very much. If there were much more good performanace, he wood become to like it. In Shumannn's concertos, he thinks "Cello Concerto" performed by Du pre and New Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Barenboim is also good, but he doesn't listen not so much.

On the contrary, Toru loves Chopin's "Piano Concertos", eventhough his piano concertos are said to be composed by not matured consideration. Toru likes Rubinstein's performance regarding Chopin's musics fundamentally. The sound quality of his performance recorded in CD is not so good but Toru can hear his performnce without anxiety. Adding to that, Toru somtimes enjoy the passionate performance of Argerich for "Piano Concerto No.1" and the fancy performance of Francois for "Piano Concerto No.2".

Toru couldn't get familiar with "Piano Concerto No.1 and No.2" composed by List. He likes his solo piano musics but ,,,,,.



サンサーンスは通俗的という理由であまり専門家には好まれない作曲家のようだが、そう割り切って聞けば愉しい協奏曲がけっこうある。まずは「ピアノ協奏曲」。特に2番はわずか17日で作曲したとのことでまとまりがよく、一気に聞ける。そして3番、4番、5番も悪くない。いずれもロジェ・デュトワ指揮のもの。コラール・プレヴィン指揮ロイヤルフィルの演奏も持っている。「ヴァイオリン協奏曲」は、チョンの演奏だと、有名な3番(フォスター指揮ロンドン響)だけではなく、1番(デュトワ指揮モントリオール響)もいい曲のように感じる(2番は聞いたことがない)。でもやはりサンサーンスは安っぽく聞こえる部分があり、そんなには聞かない。まだ小曲の「序奏とロンド・カプリチオーソ」とか「ハバネラ」を聞くほうが多い。これらは愉しく聞ける。前橋汀子・小泉指揮東京都響の演奏、パールマン・メータ指揮ニューヨークフィルの演奏を持っているがどちらもいいと思う。 Saint-Saens is thought as a vulgar music composer and not to be preferred by a specialist much. Although Toru agrees with the reason of being so called, there are severel cheeful concertos. For example, "Piano Concerto No.2" can be listened at a stroke. Then "No.3", No.4" and "No.5" also aren't bad. All performances are the ones done by Roge and Duoit. Toru has the CDs performed by Collard and Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Previn too. If "Vaiolin Concerto" is performed by Chung, not only a well-known "No.3"( Foster conducts London Philharmonic Orchestra) but "No.1"(Dutoit conducts Montreal Symphony Orchestra) also make people feel it like a good music piece (Toru has not heard "No.2".).











プロコフィエフが楽しめるようになるとバルトークもショスタコーヴィチもマルティヌーもマルタンもハチャトリアンもそしてストラヴィンスキーも聞けるようになった。ただし例えばバルトークでもガンガンピアノをたたくのはどうもだめ。ということで「ピアノ協奏曲」では聞けるのは最後の3番のみ。特に第2楽章はいい。アンダ・フリッチャイ指揮ベルリンラジオ放送響のもの。ヴァイオリン協奏曲はだめ。In Shostakovich's works, "Violin Concerto No.1" is good, rendered by Perlman and Israel Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Mehta. ショスタコーヴィチでは「ヴァイオリン協奏曲1番」はいい。パールマン・メータ指揮イスラエル響のもの。ピアノ協奏曲はだめ。Maartinu's "Double Concerto for two string orchestras, piano and timpani" conducted by Malmo Symphony Orchestra conducted by Depries is good.マルティヌーの「ピアノ、ティンパニと弦楽のための二重協奏曲」はいい。サスラック・ゲルト・デプリースト指揮マルメ響のもの。マルタンの「7つの管楽器、ティンパニ、打楽器と弦楽のための協奏曲」、特に第2楽章は聞ける。アンセルメ指揮スイスロマンド管の演奏。ハチャトリアンでは「ヴァイオリン協奏曲」の方が有名かも知れないが、気に入った演奏がないので「フルート協奏曲」をあげておく。ランパル・マルティノン指揮ナショナル管の演奏。そしてストラヴィンスキーの「ヴァイオリン協奏曲」はリズム感があって愉しい。パールマン・小沢指揮ボストン響のもの。




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